How do you make money in real estate as a passive investor?
I think everyone would agree that you should only invest in things you understand, right? Well, the best way to understand passive real estate investing is to attend as many real estate investing events as you can. There is no substitute for being around like-minded people who are also interested in the same topic you are. You will learn from the event speakers, other attendees, and you will likely make contacts and form relationships that will prove to be invaluable to you for your entire investing career.
There are lots of different types of events you can attend. Some serve different purposes than others. Here are a few:
The best approach for you is going to depend on a few critical factors.
If I could lay out the perfect plan to become a passive real estate investor, I would recommend a combination of the above.
I would start with a short in-person event. This will likely be both inspirational and informative. Use this event to get a high-level understanding of how people make money in real estate and then you will know if it is right for you. This event might provide enough information for you to be comfortable making an investment.
Then, depending on how careful and detailed you are, you should expand that knowledge with webinars or online courses. Make sure they help you understand how to vet real estate sponsors, so you find the right match for your investment goals. Remember, your goal isn’t to become a landlord (don’t get caught up in that), but to become an informed, knowledgeable investor.
Finally, once you feel like you have a good feel for how this works, then make sure to attend more live events, meet ups, etc.. This will get you in the room with sponsors and other like-minded people. Before you know it, you will be well on your way to becoming a veteran real estate investor!
I hope this helps and I hope to see you at a live event soon!